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色狗狗 女孩带“纸板爸爸”旅游 为死一火父亲圆梦(组图)[1]

发布日期:2024-10-06 22:15    点击次数:122


色狗狗 女孩带“纸板爸爸”旅游 为死一火父亲圆梦(组图)[1]







女孩带“纸板爸爸”旅游 为死一火父亲圆梦(组图)


A woman whose father died before he could fulfill his travel dreams has paid tribute to him by making a life-sized cardboard cutout of him the star of her holiday snaps.色狗狗

Two years ago, New York photographer Jinna Yang was devastated when her father passed away from stomach cancer.

In emotional posts on her blog, Grease & Glamour, she wrote about how her father had given up everything for his family.

According to Yang, her father immigrated to the United States at 17, and battled through odd jobs in order to survive.

The American Dream never worked out for him - he ended up at a dry cleaners, 12 hours a day, six days a week over 20 years.

In a post before his death, Yang wrote: "He's 52. He's never been to Europe or Africa. California. Florida. He never got to chase his dream of touring the world as a pro PGA golfer."


After he died, Yang said she reached the point where she "lost the will to live".

"I seemed to have it all — a great job, a luxury apartment, solid long-term relationship with a man, an overflowing closet with more shoes than I could count," she wrote.

However, inside, she was deeply down.

"What people didn't see was the toll the combination of life events took on every inch of my body, heart, mind and soul," she added.

So one day, she woke up and decided to take back control of her life.

She blogged that she had bought a one-way ticket to Iceland, had sold most of her clothes and had quit her job.

"I left everything in New York City to travel the world for the first time with a life size cutout of my dad," she said.

"To share his story, and to help bring peace to my stepmother, my 22-year-old brother, my 9-year-old sister, and myself, I took him with me all over Europe to be photographed together in front of some of the world's most iconic destinations."

After documenting her voyage online, she said she hoped her journey would inspire others to follow their dreams and aspirations.

(起首:The Sydney Morning Herald 裁剪:丹妮)色狗狗

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